female doctor talking to a senior woman
We can help you make the healthier choice at the very grocery store

It’s easy to be distracted going on in any supermarket or grocery store. What might have been a short trip to get fresh food can turn out to be a full grocery run. Now you have chips and sodas as ‘rewards’ for a long day.

However, as you already know, doing this a couple of times can ruin the healthy habits you’ve built over time (or trying to build).

We can help. Join our grocery store tours at Lydia’s Medical Nutrition Therapy Consultations LLC. Here we can help you read and understand food labels, choose the functional foods and antioxidants that are right for your needs, and guide you in spotting cues that make you buy the unhealthy stuff.

Start Making Healthy Choices Today

You are very much capable of becoming your healthiest self through our evidence-based research and personalized approach.

Start by letting us know what you want to achieve. Set an appointment with one of our representatives here. You may also send us a message here for your inquiries.